Ontario Truck Driver Test 06

If you’re looking to obtain an Ontario Truck driver’s licence, taking the practice test is an essential step towards achieving your goal. The practice test is designed to prepare you for the actual test by providing you with a simulation of the real thing. It offers a challenging but fair assessment of your knowledge and understanding of the rules of the road as well as other critical aspects of driving a large commercial vehicle. By taking this practice test, you will have the opportunity to brush up on your skills and identify areas where you need to improve. You’ll also gain the confidence you need to take on the actual test with ease. So, don’t hesitate to take advantage of this valuable resource and give yourself the best chance of success in achieving your Ontario Truck driver’s licence.


Ontario Truck Driver Test 06

1 / 30

In a speed limit zone greater than 60 km/h, if you cannot move your commercial vehicle off the roadway, you are required to set out one type of emergency warning device approximately how many metres?

2 / 30

Other than police, fire or an ambulance, which other vehicle is regarded as an emergency vehicle when it's stopped with flashing lights?

3 / 30

Which statement is false? If you are in a situation in which you feel threatened by another driver, do the following

4 / 30

Is there any time you are allowed to make a left turn on a red light?

5 / 30

If feeling stressed while driving which of the following is not an example of what you should do to combat this feeling?

6 / 30

Vehicles and/or loads in excess of dimensions prescribed under Section 109 of the Highway Traffic Act must be marked with what?

7 / 30

Which statement is false? When you see an approaching emergency vehicle with its lights or siren on, prepare to clear the way by doing the following

8 / 30

Which of the following is not a tip to reduce your chances of hitting an animal?

9 / 30

If you are involved in a collision where there is no one injured, which of the following is not a step you should follow?

10 / 30

What's the purpose of an animal-crossing sign?

11 / 30

When approaching a construction site, what can you do to help improve the safety of road-side workers?

12 / 30

Whenever the view of your vehicle is blocked by a hill, curve or other obstruction within 150 metres, what should be done?

13 / 30

Are you still required to exchange information with the other driver even if the damage was minimal?

14 / 30

Should commercial vehicle drivers know how to prevent fires and have a basic knowledge of fire-fighting techniques?

15 / 30

By law, you must report any collision to the police when there are injuries or damage to vehicles or other property that exceeds how much?

16 / 30

Every driver involved in a collision must

17 / 30

Do not park or leave your vehicle on a roadway unless it is not practical to move it off the roadway, or unless there is a clear view on the roadway for at least how many metres in both directions?

18 / 30

Which of the following is not a tip to reduce driver distractions?

19 / 30

Which statement is false? To avoid hitting a larger animal, you should

20 / 30

If your vehicle is disabled, do not park or leave your vehicle on a roadway unless it is not practical to move it off the roadway, or unless there is a clear view on the roadway for at least how many metres?

21 / 30

In addition to flags, what must vehicles and/or loads display on the front of the vehicle and the rear of the load of an oversized vehicle?

22 / 30

Typically, what shape are warning signs?

23 / 30

What is the true meaning of a yellow light?

24 / 30

If you spot a large animal while driving, which of the following should you not do?

25 / 30

Which vehicles display a flashing green light?

26 / 30

Which of the following is not a common source of a truck fire?

27 / 30

What is not a typical unusual temporary conditions sign posted for?

28 / 30

How many metres is it illegal to follow a fire vehicle or ambulance going in the same direction?

29 / 30

Do commercial drivers have a permanent exemption for the use of a two-way radio, provided the microphone is securely mounted to the vehicle within an easy reach for the driver?

30 / 30

If you are involved in a collision and someone is injured but you are not trained in first aid, what should you do?

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