Ontario Bus Driver Test 03

Taking the Ontario bus driver practice test is an essential step towards becoming a professional and responsible bus driver in Ontario. The test is designed to assess the competency of potential bus drivers and ensure they possess the essential knowledge and skills required to operate a bus safely.


Ontario Bus Test 03

1 / 30

Does the hours-of-service regulations apply to school bus drivers?

2 / 30

When passing a cyclist, how far are drivers of motor vehicles required to maintain where practical between their vehicle and the cyclist?

3 / 30

In a period of seven consecutive days, a driver cannot drive after having been on-duty for how many hours?

4 / 30

What should you do when meeting oncoming vehicles with bright headlights at night?

5 / 30

What should you do if the low air-pressure warning device operates at any time?

6 / 30

If two vehicles stop at the same time at an all-way stop, which vehicle should be given the right of way?

7 / 30

The mandatory off-duty time for school bus drivers that after a period of at least eight hours off-duty, a driver cannot drive more than how many hours?

8 / 30

If a train is coming at a railway crossing, how far must you stop from the nearest rail?

9 / 30

Farm machinery on the road must display an orange and red sign. What does this sign mean?

10 / 30

What does a yield sign mean?

11 / 30

A daily requirement for school bus drivers indicate a driver cannot drive after how many hours on-duty in a day?

12 / 30

Which of the following is not a type of brake retarder?

13 / 30

What should you do if your brakes fail on a level road?

14 / 30

What should you do as the principal means of controlling speed on long grades?

15 / 30

The retarder applies brake force only to...

16 / 30

Are the back wheels of the bus allowed to ride up on the central apron of the roundabout so that the bus can easily complete the turn?

17 / 30

Commercial motor vehicles must keep a minimum distance of at least how far between themselves and other vehicles when on a highway at a speed over 60 km/h?

18 / 30

A daily requirement for school bus drivers indicate a driver must have how many hours off-duty in a day?

19 / 30

Use your low-beam headlights within how many metres of an oncoming vehicle?

20 / 30

Who would have the right of way in a roundabout?

21 / 30

What could cause skidding?

22 / 30

Activation of the retarder is usually controlled by...

23 / 30

Why should you not sound your horn unnecessarily when you are overtaking a cyclist?

24 / 30

Who will designate a cycle for the driver to follow?

25 / 30

Use your low-beam headlights within how many metres when following a vehicle?

26 / 30

How long can it take for a train to stop under full emergency braking?

27 / 30

What is referred to as overdriving your headlights?

28 / 30

On country roads, why should you switch to low beams when you come to a curve or hilltop?

29 / 30

When a bus in a bus bay begins flashing its left-turn signals, indicating that it is ready to leave the bus bay, and you are approaching in the lane adjacent to the bus bay, what are you obligated to do?

30 / 30

What does the daily log not contain?

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