Manitoba Professional Driver Test 06

As you prepare to earn your Manitoba truck driver license, the free professional driver practice test can be a key factor in ensuring you pass your official exam with flying colors. This practice test is designed to help you master the critical components of driving a large vehicle safely and confidently. With access to the free professional driver practice test and a commitment to studying the necessary material, you can feel more confident when you take the official exam.


Manitoba Professional Driver Test 06

1 / 30

Why should a very heavy load not be positioned at the very rear of the truck?

2 / 30

When dangerous goods training is complete, that person is issued a training certificate. How often should training certificates be renewed?

3 / 30

Who is responsible for any damage the overweight vehicle causes to any part of a highway?

4 / 30

Which statement is false? The consignor must ensure...

5 / 30

Who is s responsible to ensure that employees are trained with respect to the dangerous goods that will be assigned to them?

6 / 30

If the rear overhang exceeds one metre, it must carry a red flag which is how big?

7 / 30

A projection that exceeds how far beyond the front bumper is not allowed unless authorized in a permit?

8 / 30

What happens to drivers convicted of using a weight-restricted road with a vehicle whose weight is over the allowable weight limit?

9 / 30

If approaching a farm vehicle, what is the maximum speed they can travel?

10 / 30

Which statement is false? With regards to dangerous goods, the carrier is responsible for...

11 / 30

Why should a very heavy concentrated load not be positioned against the cab?

12 / 30

While traveling at night, there must be two lamps, each of which casts a green or amber light visible from an oncoming vehicle. Where should they be located?

13 / 30

The red flag at the end of a load must be visible from what distance?

14 / 30

Why should the load always be centred?

15 / 30

Whether the weigh station is stationary or portable, what must the driver do when they see the signs?

16 / 30

When loading trucks, the average design provides for about how much of the payload on the rear tires?

17 / 30

While traveling at night, there must be two lamps, each of which casts a red light visible from an oncoming vehicle. Where should they be located?

18 / 30

Why should loads consisting of loose materials hauled in open boxes, such as wood chips, paper, refuse, gravel and stones be covered with a tarpaulin?

19 / 30

When loading trailers, the average design provides for about how much of the payload on the rear tires?

20 / 30

Which statement is false? The regulations provide that the shipping document shall be located during transport as follows...

21 / 30

Who must ensure that the shipping document contains all the required information in the order specified, that the document is signed and is accompanied by any other required documents or certificates, and that it is given to the initial carried?

22 / 30

What is the problem of overloading an axle or set of tires?

23 / 30

Even though the total load may not be over the total carrying capacity of the vehicle, Is there anything that could be overloading an axle or set of tires?

24 / 30

Why should loads be checked often?

25 / 30

Why should a very heavy load not be positioned on one side?

26 / 30

What is the consignor responsible for?

27 / 30

Since littering is a chargeable offence, who would be charged if the driver lost part of their load?

28 / 30

Which statement is false? Whoever is in charge of dangerous goods must report to a designated authority in the event of...

29 / 30

If there is anon-flammable gas being transported, what colour is the placard?

30 / 30

Who are dangerous goods routes are authorized by?

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