BC Air Brake Practice Test 06

With diligent practice and preparation, individuals can approach their official air brake exam with flying colors and achieve their desired outcome. Remember that knowledge is power, and by dedicating time and effort towards mastering the material, anyone is capable of passing their BC air brake test with excellence.


BC Air Brake Test 06

1 / 30

Which statement is false? You must not drive the vehicle if...

2 / 30

What happens if the brakes are applied too hard for road conditions, and a wheel lockup occurs?

3 / 30

What are pressure-protection valves designed to do?

4 / 30

A long stroke Type 30 is designated as...

5 / 30

Are you required to check manual and automatic slack adjusters daily during the pre-trip inspection?

6 / 30

Who is ultimately responsible to ensure that the brakes are operating properly before the vehicle is moved?

7 / 30

Some vehicles have air pressure gauges to indicate pressure in the reservoirs and the...

8 / 30

When should you check to see if the trailer is equipped with anti-lock brakes?

9 / 30

Anti-lock brakes are commonly referred to as...

10 / 30

Which statement is false? Before starting an air brake pre-trip inspection...

11 / 30

Is stopping in an emergency with a combination unit, where the tractor and all trailers are ABS-equipped any different?

12 / 30

A type 30 chamber has a maximum available stroke of...

13 / 30

Where is the This ABS warning light positioned on the trailer?

14 / 30

Trucks with anti-lock brakes have solenoid valves. What are they often called?

15 / 30

What is meant by slack adjustment?

16 / 30

What is the most important part of any braking system?

17 / 30

What do shutoff pressures of the pressure-protection valves vary between?

18 / 30

You can't always crawl underneath your vehicle to measure air brake chamber pushrod travel, so what can you do?

19 / 30

How would the driver know if the trailer's air brake anti-lock braking system is not functioning properly?

20 / 30

When the anti-lock brakes pulsate, the pulsating current is monitored by...

21 / 30

Is there any time you should go under the rear of the vehicle to check the air tanks to confirm they are secure, the air lines are tied up and secure?

22 / 30

Which statement is false? Anti-lock braking systems (ABS) are typically made up of...

23 / 30

If the anti-lock braking system warning light does not work, do the normal air brakes still work?

24 / 30

To achieve the shortest possible stopping distance on extremely slippery surfaces, what should you do?

25 / 30

What is the penalty if you're operating a vehicle with brakes that are defective?

26 / 30

Brake failures and runaways that result in crashes are almost never caused by...

27 / 30

Are trucks and tractors equipped with a dash mounted failure warning lamp that monitors the ABS system?

28 / 30

Which statement is false? Which vehicles still uses the spring parking brake emergency release system?

29 / 30

How can you tell how much air pressure is in the main reservoirs?

30 / 30

What is the most common type of air brake chamber used on trucks and trailers?

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