BC Air Brake Practice Test 05

When preparing to take the British Columbia air brake test, practicing with the air brake practice test is key to success. By taking the time to review and study the material, such as understanding how the air brake system works and the proper way to conduct air brake inspections, individuals can increase their confidence before taking the official exam. Not only does the practice test provide a convenient opportunity to familiarize oneself with the test format and question types, but it also helps to identify areas that may require further attention.


BC Air Brake Test 05

1 / 30

If you notice more than a few drops of water when you drain the supply reservoir, what does that mean?

2 / 30

What are some automatic drain valves equipped with to prevent freezing in cold weather?

3 / 30

What are some air dryers equipped with to prevent freezing in cold weather?

4 / 30

Once the vehicle has been moved, the spring parking brakes are re-applied by doing what?

5 / 30

What air pressure do typical air-over-hydraulic braking systems use?

6 / 30

Where is the automatic front wheel limiting systems mounted?

7 / 30

What two positions does the manual front wheel limiting systems have?

8 / 30

Are manual front wheel limiting systems still being installed on new vehicles?

9 / 30

Who should adjust wedge brakes?

10 / 30

Which statement is false?

11 / 30

What's another name for automatic drain valves?

12 / 30

What's the purpose of the spring parking brake emergency release system?

13 / 30

What's the purpose of an air dryer?

14 / 30

What's the purpose of the one-way check valve?

15 / 30

An air brake-endorsed driver's licence is required to operate most vehicles equipped with air-over hydraulic brakes. What is the only exception?

16 / 30

What should the alcohol reservoir be topped up with during the winter months?

17 / 30

An automatic front wheel limiting systems consists of a limiting valve. What's another name for this?

18 / 30

Even if the air brake system includes an alcohol evaporator or alcohol injector, do air reservoirs still need to be drained regularly?

19 / 30

Even if the air brake system includes an air dryer, should air reservoirs still be drained regularly to check for contaminants?

20 / 30

How do you know if you have an air dryer integrated system?

21 / 30

Where are alcohol injectors installed?

22 / 30

How many types of front wheel limiting systems are there?

23 / 30

Which statement is false? Other types of foundation brakes found on air-braked vehicles are...

24 / 30

Spring parking brake emergency release systems are sometimes called...

25 / 30

What happens to the air after it passes through the dryers?

26 / 30

What does a round blue button control?

27 / 30

What's the purpose of alcohol evaporators and alcohol injectors?

28 / 30

Can a peace officer place a trailer out of service if the trailer brakes don't apply when the trailer air supply valve is closed?

29 / 30

Air-over-hydraulic brakes are often found on what types of vehicles?

30 / 30

What happens to the water vapour when the reservoir has come up to full pressure?

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