Alberta School Bus Driver Test 05

When it comes to passing the official exam with flying colors, it requires more than just memorizing the material. It demands a firm grasp of the concepts and the ability to apply them in real-life situations. Through diligent study and practice, drivers can achieve a deep understanding of the rules and procedures that govern safe and effective school bus operations.


Alberta School Bus Test 05

1 / 30

What does threshold braking mean?

2 / 30

According to the Traffic Safety Act, what is referred to as the 'parking lane'?

3 / 30

What is the main cause of skids?

4 / 30

When turning left at traffic lights, when are you allowed to complete the turn on a red light?

5 / 30

During a rear wheel skid, the back of the vehicle moves back and forth from right to left, what is this referred to as?

6 / 30

Which statement is false? Commentary driving is extremely useful when practiced because...

7 / 30

What can you do if the passing vehicle cuts in too quickly after the pass?

8 / 30

To avoid hitting an animal, when should you swerve?

9 / 30

Is it possible to have your mirrors set up that you just need to move your eyes and not your head?

10 / 30

What is the best way that experts say to control a skid?

11 / 30

If one of your front tires blows, which direction will the bus pull toward?

12 / 30

If an oncoming vehicle has drifted into your lane, what is the last 'out' you have?

13 / 30

What is referred to as 'commentary driving' ?

14 / 30

In urban areas, why does the right lane generally move quicker than the left lane?

15 / 30

When dealing with parked vehicles, which statement is false?

16 / 30

For larger vehicles, such as school buses, what should the minimum safe following distance be when following another vehicle

17 / 30

When approaching an intersection, where do you look first?

18 / 30

What is not considered a sight distance limitation?

19 / 30

Is it illegal to pass a vehicle that has stopped to allow a pedestrian within a crosswalk (marked or unmarked) to cross the road?

20 / 30

If you're faced with a tailgater, what is not something you should do to compensate for this?

21 / 30

If it appears to be unsafe to make a left turn because of poor visibility at the intersection, what should you do?

22 / 30

Which statement is false? When being passed by multiple vehicles, there is the potential here for three types of collisions...

23 / 30

What is considered a mystery crash?

24 / 30

When ABS brakes pulsate, rattle, or they make noise when they are engaged, is this normal?

25 / 30

What is not a condition that you need to adjust because of maneuvering limitations?

26 / 30

Which is not a clue from a parked vehicle of impending entry into the lane of traffic?

27 / 30

Where do roughly one-half of all two-vehicle collisions occur?

28 / 30

What's the minimum space you should leave between the bus and parked vehicles?

29 / 30

What is the main advantage of ABS brakes?

30 / 30

Is there any times that you should increase your following distance?

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