Alberta School Bus Driver Test 04

The more you study and practice, the more confident you will feel. On the day of the official exam, arrive early, make sure to bring all required identification, and remain calm. Remember, you have prepared extensively, and this is your time to shine. With your commitment and perseverance, you’ll find success and be on your way to becoming a responsible and safe school bus driver.


Alberta School Bus Test 04

1 / 30

At night when meeting oncoming vehicles with bright headlights or headlights on high beam, where should you shift your gaze toward?

2 / 30

As a professional operator, what percentage of collisions should be your goal to avoid on every trip?

3 / 30

As your speed increases, where should you focus your attention?

4 / 30

What are one of the most important tools available to the defensive driver?

5 / 30

When parking on a hill, when should you turn the wheels to the left?

6 / 30

In the driving sense, what is described as foresight?

7 / 30

What does a mental pre-trip inventory not look at?

8 / 30

A perfect trip is any trip characterized by the lack of one major trait. What is it?

9 / 30

What happens when we are lulled into a state of relaxed well-being when we drive?

10 / 30

What is not an example of messages we receive through hearing?

11 / 30

When you do need to reverse, when should you sound the horn?

12 / 30

What is referred to as reaction time?

13 / 30

What is the appropriate time to check your mirrors while driving?

14 / 30

What is referred to as perception time?

15 / 30

Why should you ease up on the brake pedal slightly just before coming to a full stop and then reapply pressure on the pedal?

16 / 30

What is not part of the basic collision prevention formula?

17 / 30

Which statement is false? By law, as an operator of a school bus, you are required to stop at a railway crossing unless...

18 / 30

Is it okay to continually drive in another driver's blind spots?

19 / 30

If you're traveling at 80 km/h and a deer comes out from the side, how long would it take to stop the bus on dry, clear road conditions??

20 / 30

When making turns in rural areas, how far back from the intersection should you signal?

21 / 30

The human eye takes roughly how many seconds to recover from headlight glare?

22 / 30

Which of our sense are not used to help you become an alert driver?

23 / 30

If bright sunlight, fog, snow, smoke, or other obstructions make it difficult for you to see, what should you do?

24 / 30

Are school buses allowed to back up on school grounds?

25 / 30

What does the acronym SAFE stand for?

26 / 30

When stopping at a railway crossing, what's the required distance to stop the vehicle?

27 / 30

The signals may be malfunctioning in the off position and a train may be approaching the crossing, what should you do?

28 / 30

What is not one of the factors associated to stopping the bus?

29 / 30

What is the change in your peripheral vision change when speed changes?

30 / 30

a hazard can develop from any angle and that zone of awareness must include what size?

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